Bangladeshi envoy calls for expansion of trade with Iran

TEHRAN - The ambassador of Bangladesh to Iran has said Iran has no rival in the region, benefits from capable manpower, and has rich natural resources and Bangladesh wishes to expand economic ties with the Islamic Republic.
Manjurul Karim Khan Chowdhury made the comments in a meeting with the merchants and businesspeople of Iran's Kermanshah province, held at the venue of the Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce.
He added that Iran is an unrivaled country both in terms of rich natural resources and competent manpower.
The envoy went on to say that the two countries have cultural and historical commonalities and established trade and economic ties for many years.
Deploring the sanctions imposed against Iran, he said that they have caused the volume of trade between the two countries to decline.
The trade and economic activities between Iran and Bangladesh were on an upward trajectory before the sanctions period, he said, expressing hope that the trade ties would be revived as Bangladesh can be Iran’s trade hub in Southeast Asia.
Addressing traders and businesspersons in this province, the ambassador pointed to the key role of the private sector which can spur trade and economic activities between the two countries.
Chowdhury referred to the activity of traders of his country in the field of supplying food products to the Persian Gulf littoral states and added that once Bangladeshi traders establish economic relations with Iranian traders, they can supply more products from Iran, IRNA reported.
According to the statistics, Iran exports 127 items of goods, valued at about $40 million, to Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the producer of 10 percent of bicycles in the world and also produces 90 million tons of tea annually, exporting it to 140 countries in the world.
Clothing (garment), textiles, aquatics and frozen fish are among other products exported by Bangladesh worldwide.
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